
Monday, March 15, 2004

i'm all packed and ready to go. gonna have dinner with my hunny and then i'm off . . . wheee!!!

i spent a decent amount of time this afternoon looking for the keys to my house in the states, but i just realized that it really does me no good. my family doesn't live there anymore!

they always do this. well, always as in everytime i move out (for a grand total of 2). a couple months after i left for college, they decided to move into a new house. i didn't even know they were looking! all i know is that for a while, i had an easier time finding the plates and utensils in my friends' houses than my own. on a sidenote: that's also the time that they threw away my precious panda bear because i wasn't around to stop it. my very first stuffed animal, and needless to say my very favoritest too. i'm still bitter over it. very bitter. if any of you see a dirty ~5inch tall panda bear with half a plastic eye missing and a nose either sewn on very poorly or missing altogether, PLEASE let me know.

anyway. and this is number two. this time, they waited only a couple weeks after i left to move. but i was prepared this time. i packed myself. no more throwing away my precious stuff!!! (grrrr) i guess i'm gonna find out soon whether or not they decided to listen when i told them not to throw anything of mine away...

Thursday, March 11, 2004

i'm coming home!!! see ya'll monday!!!

Thursday, March 04, 2004

we got GAMECUBE!!!

we got GAMECUBE!!!

now our collection is complete. well, kinda. the xbox is still with my brother.

i'm a really tense person. i can't play video games for very long because i push the buttons really hard and it hurts my thumb. video games isn't the only thing that i'm tense about. i have tmj because i clench my jaw too tight when i sleep, and sometimes i catch myself doing during the day too. my shoulder is often sore because i have too much tension in it. i hold my pencil/pen really tight and sometimes get cramps all the way up my arm because of it.

do i come off as a tense person? i don't feel like i am...but i have all these physical proofs that i am.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

does anyone else do this? whenever i hang out with people who speak broken english (or sound like they do becuz of their accent), i start speaking broken english too! i also use a lotta hand gestures! i'm such a dork. after my summer in taiwan, my chinese was waaaay better, but my english was also waaay worse. i hope that doesnt happen this time. i don't think it will because i hang out with so many expats. in taiwan, i didn't have a single person to speak real english with. we'll see though.

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